131 research outputs found

    Adaptive equalizers for multipath compensation in digital microwave communications

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    In this study, we propose a research model to assess the effect of a mobile health (mHealth) app on exercise motivation and physical activity of individuals based on the design and self-determination theory. The research model is formulated from the perspective of motivation affordance and gamification. We will discuss how the use of specific gamified features of the mHealth app can trigger/afford corresponding users’ exercise motivations, which further enhance users’ participation in physical activity. We propose two hypotheses to test the research model using a field experiment. We adopt a 3-phase longitudinal approach to collect data in three different time zones, in consistence with approach commonly adopted in psychology and physical activity research, so as to reduce the common method bias in testing the two hypotheses

    Optimal FiniteHorizon Control for Probabilistic Boolean Networks with Hard Constraints

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    Abstract In this paper, we study optimal control policies for Probabilistic Boolean Networks (PBNs) with hard constraints. Boolean Networks (BNs) and PBNs are useful and effective tools for modelling genetic regulatory networks. A PBN is essentially a collection of BNs driven by a Markov chain process. It is well-known that the control/intervention of a genetic regulatory network is useful for avoiding undesirable states associated with diseases like cancer. Therefore both optimal finite-horizon control and infinite-horizon control policies have been proposed to achieve the purpose. Actually the optimal control problem can be formulated as a probabilistic dynamic programming problem. In many studies, the optimal control problems did not consider the case of hard constraints, i.e., to include a maximum upper bound for the number of controls that can be applied to the PBN. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a new formulation for the optimal finite-horizon control problem with hard constraints. Experimental results are given to demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed formulation

    從新歷史主義視角看黃帝大戰蚩尤 : 以神話、諸子學說及史家為例

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    黃帝與蚩尤的戰爭是中國古代規模較大的神話傳說。其始於戰國初年就有記載,至唐宋時代,其流傳演變不絕,是中國神話傳說影響最廣的。它基本反映了原始社會部落間的戰爭。從神話角度看,黃帝與蚩尤是天神;從傳說角度看,他們是兩大部落的首領。隨著時間的推移,黃帝與蚩尤的戰爭神話也因時勢而有所變改,更有和歷史雜糅的情況。 前人研究黃帝大戰蚩尤的主題有二:一,蚩尤的形象研究,如:吳家衡在〈「失敗戰神」——論蚩尤的戰神「專職化」和「神位條件」〉探討蚩尤形象二元對立的矛盾,衪是戰敗的一方,又是象徵邪惡的亂世叛臣,但卻被世人奉為民族的保護神。二,從互文性的角度分析不同作品中對黃帝大戰蚩尤的描寫,如:鄭巧賢、張仁軒於〈以《墉城集仙錄》為本看《太平廣記.西王母》中黃帝戰蚩尤的重現〉,就是以《墉城集仙錄》和《太平廣記.西王母》兩篇文本的對讀,分析當中黃帝與蚩尤形象,及兩部作品對大戰描寫的異同。 黃帝大戰蚩尤的神話雖然與歷史雜糅一起,又於戰國時代被諸子各家以其作學說的支持理據流傳,但就鮮有學者以此為主題作深入的探討。本文會從新歷史主義的角度出發,並以《山海經》、諸子各家學說及史家為例,察看黃帝大戰蚩尤的神話歷史化

    Hepatocyte growth factor enhances proteolysis and invasiveness of human nasopharyngeal cancer cells through activation of PI3K and JNK

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    AbstractThe hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor, Met, is frequently overexpressed in nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC). Here, we showed for the first time that human NPC cells with high Met expression were more sensitive to the cell motility and invasion effect of HGF. The downregulation of Met by small interfering RNA decreased tumor cell invasion/migration. HGF significantly increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 production. This was inhibited by blocking phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), but not extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways. We also demonstrated that PI3K induced activation of JNK, with Akt as a potential point of this cross-talk. These results provide new insights into the molecular mechanism responsible for NPC progression and metastasis

    Psycho-behavioural responses of the general population to COVID-19 after mass vaccination: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Previous studies have examined public psycho-behavioural responses in the early stages of the epidemic, little is known after mass vaccination has been implemented. This study aimed to investigate the public's behavioural (adoption of COVID-19 precautionary measures) and psychological (depression, anxiety and stress) responses to COVID-19 and their relationships after the launch of the territory-wide vaccination programme in Hong Kong. Methods A cross-sectional survey study using anonymous online or face-to-face questionnaires was conducted between June 2021 and September 2021. A convenience sample of Hong Kong Chinese residents aged ⩾18 years were recruited online by referrals and from a university-run community vaccination centre. Results A total of 1893 valid questionnaires were received. The results showed that Hong Kong residents have high levels of adoption of precautionary measures and low levels of depression, anxiety and stress after the mass vaccination. Hierarchical regression analysis identified that in the fully adjusted model, the adoption of precautionary measures was a consistent protective factor (β ranged −1.51 to −1.67, p < 0.001) for depression, anxiety and stress amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions This study offers new information on the public's psycho-behavioural responses to the pandemic, as well as insights into public health planning after introducing the mass vaccination

    Association of antipsychotic use with breast cancer:a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies with over 2 million individuals-CORRIGENDUM

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    AIMS: Despite reports of an elevated risk of breast cancer associated with antipsychotic use in women, existing evidence remains inconclusive. We aimed to examine existing observational data in the literature and determine this hypothesised association. METHODS: We searched Embase, PubMed and Web of Science™ databases on 27 January 2022 for articles reporting relevant cohort or case-control studies published since inception, supplemented with hand searches of the reference lists of the included articles. Quality of studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. We generated the pooled odds ratio (OR) and pooled hazard ratio (HR) using a random-effects model to quantify the association. This study was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42022307913). RESULTS: Nine observational studies, including five cohort and four case-control studies, were eventually included for review (N = 2 031 380) and seven for meta-analysis (N = 1 557 013). All included studies were rated as high-quality (seven to nine stars). Six studies reported a significant association of antipsychotic use with breast cancer, and a stronger association was reported when a greater extent of antipsychotic use, e.g. longer duration, was operationalised as the exposure. Pooled estimates of HRs extracted from cohort studies and ORs from case-control studies were 1.39 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.11–1.73] and 1.37 (95% CI 0.90–2.09), suggesting a moderate association of antipsychotic use with breast cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Antipsychotic use is moderately associated with breast cancer, possibly mediated by prolactin-elevating properties of certain medications. This risk should be weighed against the potential treatment effects for a balanced prescription decision

    Computer-aided screening of aspiration risks in dysphagia with wearable technology: a Systematic Review and meta-analysis on test accuracy

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    Aspiration caused by dysphagia is a prevalent problem that causes serious health consequences and even death. Traditional diagnostic instruments could induce pain, discomfort, nausea, and radiation exposure. The emergence of wearable technology with computer-aided screening might facilitate continuous or frequent assessments to prompt early and effective management. The objectives of this review are to summarize these systems to identify aspiration risks in dysphagic individuals and inquire about their accuracy. Two authors independently searched electronic databases, including CINAHL, Embase, IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science (PROSPERO reference number: CRD42023408960). The risk of bias and applicability were assessed using QUADAS-2. Nine (n = 9) articles applied accelerometers and/or acoustic devices to identify aspiration risks in patients with neurodegenerative problems (e.g., dementia, Alzheimer’s disease), neurogenic problems (e.g., stroke, brain injury), in addition to some children with congenital abnormalities, using videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) or fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) as the reference standard. All studies employed a traditional machine learning approach with a feature extraction process. Support vector machine (SVM) was the most famous machine learning model used. A meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the classification accuracy and identify risky swallows. Nevertheless, we decided not to conclude the meta-analysis findings (pooled diagnostic odds ratio: 21.5, 95% CI, 2.7–173.6) because studies had unique methodological characteristics and major differences in the set of parameters/thresholds, in addition to the substantial heterogeneity and variations, with sensitivity levels ranging from 21.7% to 90.0% between studies. Small sample sizes could be a critical problem in existing studies (median = 34.5, range 18–449), especially for machine learning models. Only two out of the nine studies had an optimized model with sensitivity over 90%. There is a need to enlarge the sample size for better generalizability and optimize signal processing, segmentation, feature extraction, classifiers, and their combinations to improve the assessment performance.Systematic Review Registration: (https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/), identifier (CRD42023408960)